Bonding rigid insulation panels

Bonding rigid insulation panels

Traditionally, PUR or PIR sheets are screwed to the rafters. But it can be done faster and better. With X-Tack we mount the sheets in an instant. The high initial tack means that the sheets remain suspended right in their place without support. Even against a sloped ceiling.

Step 1: Preparation

  • Degrease the rafters and the points where the sheets will be bonded with TEC7 Cleaner.

  • Roughen the varnish on the sheet.

Step 2: Mounting

  • Apply X-Tack to the rafters. Place the spout directly on the substrate, so that a triangular adhesive bead is formed. This guarantees a perfect distribution of the adhesive. 

  • Press the insulating sheets firmly against the rafters. The sheets can now be precisely positioned, but will not sag.

Step 3: Finishing

  • Remove excess X-Tack with the Powerwipes.

  • After around 24 hours the mounting will be cured.
