2K-Mix Fast
Drilled a hole . . . just a few millimeters off? We can fix that easily by filling up the drill hole with 2K-Mix Superfast. After less than an hour you will be able to drill a new hole and the problem is solved. 2K-Mix Fast is perfectly workable: drilling, milling, cutting with a saw, sanding, etc. It’s a highly versatile product with which you can bond, anchor and repair.
Remove dust from the borehole using a brush or vacuum cleaner.
Fit the cartridge of 2K-Mix Fast into the TEC7 Gun. Remove the cap.
Screw the mixer tip on the cartridge. Eject around 10 cm. This first bit is insufficiently mixed and will not cure completely, so it must be disposed of.
Fill the opening carefully and completely with 2K-Mix Fast.
Remove excess 2K-Mix Fast immediately with Powerwipes tissues.
Clean the mouth of the tube carefully with Powerwipes tissues. Screw the cap back on. You can use the remaining 2K-Mix Fast for about another 6 months
After the primary curing (around 25 min.) you can drill a new hole.
Wait for complete curing (around 60 min.) before you fully load the repair.