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The first sprayable hybrid polymer adhesive

After years of extensive research and testing, Tec7 has succeeded in developing the first sprayable MS Hybrid polymer adhesive, called SprayTec. This brand new spray adhesive represents a major leap forward in adhesive technology.

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We make maintenance and construction simple, by providing you with the professional products you need and by making sure those products do their job. Always. Or should we say ‘product’? After all, we offer an exceptionally small range with an exceptionally wide applicability. Again: keeping - it - simple.


7 reasons why to choose Tec7 for your store

Why Tec7?

Here's why 

Our products are developed with you in mind, by people like you. And they are tested by people like you. So, while it’s hard to find a product that is better, it’s not hard to work with our products at all. 

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X-tack helps to realise the vision of a modern funeral home

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Multiclean is indispensable for a healthy kitchen

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