Multiclean is indispensable for a healthy kitchen
Danny Geeraerts and Ivan Versweyveld: De Korenaar
“Cosy dining requires cleanliness and hygiene. The latter is a very important aspect of our working lives - the number one priority, I would almost say. You certainly can’t afford to make mistakes in this respect”, emphasises chef Ivan Versweyveld.
Danny Geeraerts and Ivan Versweyveld are real experts when it comes to hospitality and catering. In the heart of the Antwerp Kempen district, at Hezewijk in Olen, they receive numerous gourmets every day of the week who know the way to their tavern-restaurant De Korenaar. De Korenaar is a restored farmhouse that is not only very cosy but also offers superb cuisine. Here, they cook with the utmost respect. That's why all those connoisseurs keep coming back. We went to take a look...
“Cosy dining requires cleanliness and hygiene. The latter is a very important aspect of our working lives - the number one priority, I would almost say. You certainly can’t afford to make mistakes in this respect”, emphasizes chef Ivan Versweyveld. “Both the restaurant itself and the kitchen need to be thoroughly cleaned on a daily basis. We owe it to ourselves. Also because we know the guests pay keen attention to this.”
100% efficient and safe
Cleaning a kitchen and maintaining good hygiene is no small task. After all, everyone knows that cooking is an intensive activity that always a risk of surfaces becoming dirty. For example: grease and food residues on a cooker, steamer, grill, cooling counter, worktops, kitchen cabinets, etc. Chef Ivan: “In the past, we cleaned these items with water and traditional cleaning products. Now we solve this very simply and quickly: with Multiclean.” Multiclean is suitable and safe for almost all kitchen appliances and materials.

For kitchen and dining room
Multiclean is also used frequently and successfully in the restaurant’s dining room. Ivan: “Examples that spring to mind include removing fingerprints on glass windows and doors and nicotine residues on the lighting, cleaning ashtrays, getting rid of shoe marks on fabric seat covers, keeping mirrors and tiles clean in the toilets, etc. There are not many stains or surfaces that cannot be tackled with Multiclean.”
Time- and cost-saving
The big advantage of Multiclean? It is not only a very good cleaner and degreaser; it is also quick and easy to use. And that counts a lot in the busy range of tasks that have to be carried out by catering staff. Ivan: “Spray a layer of Multiclean foam, let it soak in for a while, wipe it off and the job is done.” Ivan immediately gives us a demonstration. He concludes, with the quip: “Multiclean is our permanent staff member for fast and efficient cleaning. Always within reach and always ready to go. Just the kind of staff everyone wants, right?” Absolutely. Just the sort of help every kitchen needs. At home, too! Because what works in the professional kitchen certainly also works on a smaller scale. Good to know!