Waterproofing basement walls

Waterproofing basement walls

WP7-501 Wall + Basement Waterproof allows you to tackle the most difficult moisture problems. The only solution for wet stains or loose plaster due to moisture in basement and walls.

Step 1: Preparation

  • Remove all of the coating, this can be done with a hammer and chisel or with a hammer drill.

  • After removing the coating, brush the wall with a steel brush or with a drill and a cup brush.

  • Once the wall is clean you remove the dirt and apply a floor protection.

  • The floor protector will absorb spills from the product, once the product is cured, it can only be removed mechanically.


Step 2: Primer

  • Prepare the sealing primer with a ratio of 1:1.

    • (For the wall we will treat in this example: dilute 0.5 l of primer with 0.5 l of water.)

    • Mix the two together in a container with a nebuliser.

  • Apply the primer to the wall to be treated, also wet the corners.

  • After applying the primer you will notice a “glazing” effect after a while.


Step 3: Mixing

  • Measure out the appropriate amount of water and pour it into the mixing vessel.

  • Now add the polymer cement in stages and mix both using a drill with a mixer attachment.

  • Repeat adding and mixing until you have processed the right quantity to form a homogeneous mass.

  • Let it stand for 2 minutes, then mix again with the mixer attachment.

  • At basement temperature (17.5 ° c) the mixture is workable for one hour.


Step 4: Application

  • Humidity during application and curing must be between 50% and 80%.

  • Firmly apply the first coat of +/- 1 mm to the still wet primer, using a wide stiff brush.

  • After applying the first coat leave for 2 to 5 hours.

  • The first coat must feel cured before applying the second coat.

  • Apply clean water to the first coat using a spray.

  • Make sure that the entire wall is wetted.


Step 4: Apply 2nd coat

  • You have made your second batch according to the right mixing ratio and in the right way

  • Apply this (+/- 1mm thick) with a wide stiff brush or a smoothing trowel. This is very subjective, i.e. depending on the result you want to achieve in this area.

  • If you use a brush, make sure you apply the 2nd coat at right angles to the brush direction of the 1st coat.
